A 24/7 Prayer Room

Would your Circuit like to host a 24/7 prayer room?

What’s a 24/7 prayer room?

It’s a specially dedicated room, decorated and filled with prayer stations. People sign up to a 1 hour slot and pray in the room. Rooms last different lengths of time from a day to a week, but we’re suggesting a 36 hour slot for this.

It could come to your Church or Circuit any time in 2023.

How will we set it up?

You’ll work with District Mission Enabler, Yasmin Finch, and we’ll support you all the way.

We’ll provide the decorations, the prayer stations and help in the planning and organisation.

You’ll need to form a small team to run it, choose a room in one of your churches, provide refreshments, fill the slots and let people know it’s happening.

A whole hour? That’s a long time to pray!

Don’t worry, everyone feels like this (maybe even the minister!) but in the prayer room there’s so much to do and read, paint and draw, reflect and listen to, the hour flies by.

What about the middle of the night?

Yep, the room runs all night long. You’ll just need to have a system where the person in there can lock the front door and the next person can knock or make them aware they’ve arrived. In one room we ran, the next person would just knock gently on the window of the room which overlooked the carpark.

A 36 hour prayer room incorporates 1 night of prayer, which isn’t too hard to manage once the night owls and the early birds have signed up.

Where can I find out more information?

If you’d like to talk to Yasmin about hosting a room in your Circuit, just drop her an email – yrfinch@gmail.com

You can look at other 24/7 prayer rooms and learn about the 24/7 prayer movement here – www.24-7prayer.com